Honors Engaged Approval Application

Honors Engaged is designed to give you opportunities to participate in co-curricular experiences at NIU as part of the University Honors Program. Completing the co-curricular experiences addressed in this form will enable you to earn points toward Full or Associate University Honors. If you are interested in transcript notation for your co-curricular experiences through EngagePLUS, please visit the EngagePLUS website.

Honors staff will review your application and send an email to your NIU email account regarding your status. This will typically take one week. If you would like to work with an Honors advisor to develop a co-curricular experience, please make an appointment.

Select a category from the drop-down list below for your engaged experience. If your experience fits into more than one category, please select the most relevant based upon the type of experiences or learning outcomes you expect to gain upon completion of this experience.

Briefly describe the experience. Please include core duties, types of learning experiences or learning outcomes you expect to gain and approximate number of hours you expect to spend on this experience (weekly number of hours and total hours/experience):

Information for Contact/Mentor (Please note that this person will be asked to confirm student participation in the experience)

Is the experience associated with curricular credit?

If receiving curricular credit, please include the course number and section number.