NIU QR Code Request Form

New to QR codes?
View overview about QR codes and learn more about using them at NIU: 

Contact Information

What is your primary role at NIU? *

Project Details

Planned Use for QR Code
On what type of media do you plan to use this code? (select all that apply) *
How long do you expect this code to be in use? *
0/255 characters

QR Code Webpage Target Information

Do you need to request QR codes for more than one webpage? *
To request multiple QR codes (for separate webpages), you can use our bulk QR code template by following these steps:
- Download the bulk QR code template CSV file
- Populate with your multiple URLs and corresponding QR code info
- Upload saved file using form field below
Please note: We will use NIU Go.URLs (in place of full webpage URLs) when creating QR codes. If you do provide existing Go.URLs for your webpages, we will create them for you before generating QR codes.

Go.URL Information
We will use an NIU Go.URL (in place of your full webpage URL) when creating the QR code. If you do not already have a Go.URL created that points to your webpage, we will create one for you.
Do you already have a Go.URL linking to the target webpage listed above? * 🛈
Do you have a preferred Go URL in mind? * 🛈

QR Code File Format

The default file format of provided QR code will be a PNG. If you need an additional format provided, please select below.

QR Code Style

Please select from each of the style options below to indicate the type of QR code you would like created.
Branding Options
Select branding preference *
Frame Options
Select frame preference (available with branding or not, the provided code will reflect brand choice above) *
Color Options
Select color preference (Available with branding or not. Provided code will reflect brand and frame choices above.) *
Do you need more than one style of QR code? *

Additional QR Code Style

Branding Options for Additional Code
Select branding preference *
Frame Options for Additional Code
Select frame preference (available with branding or not, the provided code will reflect brand choice above) *
Color Options for Additional Code
Select color preference (available with branding or not, the provided code will reflect brand choice above) *